Sponsorship Opportunities

Bezanson Ag Society Has Naming Rights Opportunities Available in the Bezanson Community Event Centre

Bezanson Agricultural Society’s vision is to promote and support quality programming and activities, innovation and community engagement.  It values your family, and community impact and cohesiveness.  BAS’s goals are to enhance agricultural programming and events, improve the facilities, increase community involvement and partnerships and secure sustainable funding sources.

The Bezanson Community Event Centre is utilized 7 days a week with numerous opportunities for the community and area.  

There are three sponsorship opportunities available for naming rights within the facility (Foyer, or the Kitchen or Bar in the gymnasium).

The agreement of this sponsorship would allow for the provision of a sponsorship amount of $25,000 (Foyer) or $15,000 (Bar or Kitchen) for a 5-year commitment to the Bezanson Agricultural Society. In exchange for the Sponsorship, the Bezanson AG Society will provide the Sponsor with the exclusive opportunity to place their sign advertisement in the space allotted above the Bar or the Kitchen in the gymnasium in the Bezanson Community Event Centre.

There also is the option to pay yearly over the next 5 years.

The Bezanson Agricultural Society has the template of the sign on file with a local company who would design the sign and install it at the Sponsors cost as defined in the agreement. Further details can be discussed if you are interested in pursuing this Naming Rights opportunity.

If interested or for further information, contact Audrey at 780-538-3544 or admin@bezansonagsociety.ca (or send in attached form).

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