There was a new spark of interest in Leah Binn’s eyes. After 15 years of being a dental assistant, she decided that it was time for a change. That lead her off to GPRC to fulfill her dreams.

“I had always wanted to be a teacher when I was younger, but after graduation I thought 4 more years seemed daunting at that time in my life!” After high-school, Leah worked in the oilfield and decided that wasn’t the lifestyle for her which led her to some more schooling. She then took a 1-year dental assistant program and ended up sticking in the dental industry where she decided that a change was necessary. This decision would not be easy though. She loved her career in Orthodontics. She said that, “when [her] kids entered school, it re-sparked [her] interest in education. [She] loves seeing them grasp knowledge and new ideas and realized [she] still had an underlying passion for teaching.” This new career path would also lead her to more security down the road along with a new adventure.

Although a new career path might be super intriguing, it comes with its challenges as well, and Leah has been making it work. “Finding balance between school, work and family has definitely been challenging. But if you want something you make it work!” She says, “I wrote a few essays and read quite a few hundred pages of text in a hockey rink last winter! You just have to weave it in because family commitments don’t take a break.”

Our local college provides great opportunities for student successes. “GPRC has been amazing, I find the instructors care about your success and you’re not just a number there,” Leah says. The smaller class sizes allow better communication between students and professors. They also allow opportunities for better relationships and opportunities for greater growth.

After asking about school at GPRC for the upcoming year, Leah says, “With my second year coming up, I’m looking forward to being that much closer to the finish line! I have a lighter course load this year too and I’m looking forward to having that extra time to work more and have more time with my family.”

All in all, “change is good!” Leah says, “For anyone thinking of going back to school as an adult, I say go for it! The support and encouragement I’ve had from family and friends has been amazing. Yes, it’s hard, but it’s also very rewarding seeing just how much we are capable of. Get out of your comfort zone!”
We wish Leah the best in this upcoming year and the years to come!

Some Advice
“It’s important to remember that you can still have time for your personal life, family and friends. Organize your hours. A friend said to me once, ‘We are all given the same number of hours in a day. What you choose to fill them with is your decision.’ That has really stuck with me. If you want it, you will find the time.”
-Leah Binns

Written by Ally Pilgrim