Some exciting news for the community is putting our small hamlet on the maps! Joshua Street a grade nine student at Bezanson School has some very exciting news by winning the whole Regional Science Fair in Peace River on April 15-16. He won the “Best in Show” trophy which is currently in the school office because it doesn’t fit into the trophy case. Josh won the Gold medal for his age group and the “Best in Show” trophy. He was the only student from Bezanson to go to the Regional Fair this year. There was multiple kids who were able to represent Alberta in different categories, biotechnology engineering, mathematical sciences, earth, and human health. Josh said the best support was his family, the community, Miss Owens and all of the Bezanson School, as well as the Booster club supported me and Susan Morrison was so kind, donated money towards my trip which was so amazing of her.
How long did your project take?
I started it as a science fair project in grade 8 it was the beginning prototype which won at Bezanson. For the Regional Science Fair Miss Owens said I could go into it in Grade 9. So for my second time for the Regionals I made a remote to control it, and then for the third time when I headed to Fredericton I built in a ethernet board to make a network. (Which means I can be able to control it with a phone)
Did you get any help?
My step dad taught me to code c++, which is a type of code and my brother sam 3D printed a shell case the case to hold all the components to it.

What was the process that made this science project happen?
My Dad’s house smoke detector went off and we unplugged the smoke detector which was not safe and they wanted to have a button to turn is off for a minute but then turn itself back on. I registered it under innovation at the science fair in Bezanson. Miss Owens said that I had to call the fire Deputy Lieutenant Jason Green to discuss the safety of this project and he said, “It is safe to do so, but to be sure that he was clear on it turning itself back on”. I built the concept idea, wrote it all down and then figured out what I all needed. I checked online and bought some items and I won first place at the Bezanson Science Fair and the Regional Science Fair in Peace River.
Are you excited for this experience?
I am pretty excited to represent Bezanson and Alberta. I’m also excited because my Mom and my step dad are able to come with me. And I am excited to see all of the other projects that are going to be there.

What do you think the competition will be like?
Almost the same as regionals based off of things I’ve seen online. I’ve also compared to the projects to former champions, and they seem to be around the same level as my own.
Good Luck Josh!!
Written by: Netisha Zacharias