West Smoky Legion #244 – Students attending Grade 10, 11 & 12 that previously attended Bezanson School are eligible for a one-time sponsorship for a high school sports or fine arts program. To qualify for a sponsorship;
- Each recipient must live in the West Smoky area, and attended grade nine in Bezanson School.
- Confirm enlistment in a program with a letter from a coach or instructor.
- Orally present, in person to the board, their written request indicating details of the program or sport including students roles and responsibilities, entry fees and any other pertinent information. If students are unable to present in person due to extracurricular activities it is recommended that they provide a creative method to deliver their presentation to the board.
- Provide a complete mailing address.
Fund amounts vary. Contact a Legion member for more information.
Students attending Northwestern Polytechnic are eligible for one of 3 – $500 Bezanson Community Bursaries sponsored by the Bezanson Ag Society, Bezanson Recreational Society and West Smoky Legion #244.
Bezanson Community Student Bursary
2 bursaries of $500 each are available. Application open: November to 3rd Friday in January, each year
Available to students attending any post-secondary credit program at Northwestern Polytechnic. Students must have attended at least one year at Bezanson School. Applicants must attach a brief statement including well defined education and career goals, a description of volunteer efforts (community, school, youth group, sports, team development, music, other), what they have learned from that volunteerism, and how the experience will assist them in their future goals. Must include a letter from the Bezanson School office verifying attendance at the Bezanson School. Students must intend to continue full-time studies in the next academic year.
Bezanson Community Apprenticeship Bursary
One bursary of $500 for Apprenticeship (Any trade) with deadline of June 30, each year.
Available to students attending any apprenticeship program at Northwestern Polytech. Students must have attended at least one year at Bezanson School. Applicants must attach a brief statement including well defined education and career goals, a description of volunteer efforts (community, school, youth group, sports, team development, music, other), what they have learned from that volunteerism, and how the experience will assist them in their future goals. Must include a letter from the Bezanson School office verifying attendance at the Bezanson School. Students must intend to continue apprenticeship technical training in the next academic year.

Student Scholarships:
Nominate a student who has demonstrated leadership! Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies has partnered with Calgary Stampede and Northlands Park to offer two $1500 awards that will be given to outstanding post‐secondary students continuing their education, who have volunteered their time and energy to their communities and agricultural societies. Applicants must be nominated by their local Agricultural Society.
Deadline for applications is December 15
Click below for the nomination forms: