The autumn season brings about many changes. Changing seasons brings bright yellow and orange leaves to our forests and yards. Children exchange bicycles and summer gear for back packs and lunch boxes as they head back to school. For 13 year old Daven Maurer from Bezanson, the fall season means trading the baseball cleats and ball gloves for skates and hockey sticks. Maurer is a multi-sport athlete from Bezanson who plays competitive sports on a year round basis.

Maurer spent the majority of the summer playing baseball for the Grande Prairie AA Reds. The Grande Prairie Reds teams are operated by the Grande Prairie Minor Baseball Association and offer teams for male and female players from ages of 3-18. The baseball season runs from April with tryouts until mid-August. The AA teams travel at least two times a month during the season to competitions across the province. For Maurer, this past season was the first year of playing AA baseball although he has been playing competitive baseball for four years now.
After baseball season wraps up, Maurer switches to the sport he has played for the past seven years – hockey. This winter Maurer will be lacing up for the Sexsmith Vipers. The hockey season runs from September until April, just in time for the beginning of ball season. Among his favorite events in competitive sports, Maurer says baseball provincials in Camrose and winning a banner in hockey are top of the list. When asked why he continues to play every season, Maurer says, “because it is fun and I enjoy competing.”
A dedicated athlete, Daven also represents the Bezanson Bulldogs on the school sports level. Maurer has played volleyball, basketball, badminton and track for the Bulldogs and credits his involvement in school sports for helping him to grow into the athlete he is today. “School sports help me practice and become a more well-rounded athlete. It means a lot to me to play in Bezanson because I am supporting my school,” says Maurer.

Being a competitive athlete means one must travel to practices, tournaments and games on an almost daily basis. Daven’s parents know the dedication it takes as they both played competitive sports at an early age. “Both my parents played sports and they like sports. I also have supportive grandparents that help to take me places as well,” says Maurer. What makes it even more challenging is that both Daven and his younger brother Koen play competitive sports.
Team sports and school sports are not the only things that interest Maurer. Maurer says, “I enjoy dirt biking, golf and this year I also did a Spartan race and plan to compete at the adult level next year.” Maurer has goals of growing and developing skills that will open up more doors for him athletically. “I would like to play at more competitive levels in sports,” says Maurer. He also has a strong interest in math and science and has future plans of becoming an architect.
Bezanson has produced so many great athletes over the years, and we continue to provide opportunity for students and adults alike to engage in sport and recreation. We wish Daven all the best on the ice, the field, the court, the course or wherever his travels take him on his journey through athletics!